Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Lazy Day

Leaf Day,
We Joined the College in its  Day of Service
Hey everyone, despite what has happened in the past week I am feeling slow today. So today will be a little short.

We had another Sacrifice Saturday a few days ago. This time we were in Pullman, Washington. 

I can't describe the feeling when you cross the state border but the work over there is on easy mode. People are actually nice to us and would really be willing to take time out of their day to speak to us and learn from us.
We were lucky enough to find a few people for them to teach (or at least go back again and see just how interested they are). 

We were able to have more lessons with our "on dates". They are very stressful. I am also told by my companion, that when we are meeting with this couple in particular, once they start asking "questions" my face turns red (it's not from anger or from embarrassment, so what could be causing this?) Anyways these questions always have something to deal with something that has happened in church history. Each and every one of the topics he brought up are things that would look controversial without context, but because we have been focusing on church history in our personal study we were able to provide the full story to each of his "difficult questions".  

Other than the "difficult questions" this couple is great (to protect the identity of this couple, I will call them Amy and Terry) . Amy is such an angel, and has a strong testimony of what we have shared with her, but Terry is the guy who doubts and tries to make us look bad in front of Amy, but it doesn't affect her. In fact she has such a strong testimony that she testifies often to Terry and sometimes rebukes him for some of his "almost Anti" questions. We are so proud of her and the progress that they have made together. 
Never Seen So Many Leaves in My Life. 
We got them all Raked.

Hey, I am sorry I don't have much more to share, but here is a spiritual thought. 

If you are familiar with the story of Ammon (Alma 17), he is a young man who wants to help those who fight his people come to a knowledge of the Lord. After some time he eventually finds himself in servitude for those he is trying to teach, and one day when he is assigned to watch over the kings sheep. 

Alma 17:27
27 Therefore, as Ammon and the servants of the king were driving forth their flocks to this place of water, behold, a certain number of the Lamanites, who had been with their flocks to water, stood and scattered the flocks of Ammon and the servants of the king, and they scattered them insomuch that they fled many ways.

I like to liken the scriptures unto us in our time and day. Imagine the sheep as us, the men who scatter them as Satan and those who follow him and finally Ammon as Jesus Christ. (Disclaimer: this thought is strictly for the imagination, and in no ways is to be taken and accepted as cannon to the Book of Mormon. For a full understanding of my analogy you just need to read Alma 17.) 
Our Groceries Last P-Day

Satan and those who follow him try to scatter us from our shepherd. They have an array of many different techniques and approaches to do this; but mainly by distraction and diversion

 are we ever lead astray. We need to focus on the path that our shepherd leads us on. If we make all that we do in life focused on the Savior and his teachings, we cannot be lead astray. Even if we are ever lost after having been confounded and scattered, we have the Savior who fights for our cause and will never stop the fight to bring us back into his fold.

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