Saturday, August 15, 2020

Dissatisfied Heat

Full day exchange with our zone.
Spent the day in Lewiston - one of the hottest days - 110 degrees

Well, this week was very underwhelming. I would love to say that we went on an extraordinary adventure high in the mountains, where we found only the most promising people to teach. But even in all our efforts, all we have to show for it this week is a box full of Anti-member literature.

Us looting the kitchen after a zone conference

We always meet lots of great members. They all support us so much, we even get to teach quite a few of them. But the only non-members we taught were our Seventh day Adventist friends. 

Our Zone

They invited is over for lunch and fed us Veggie burgers, they weren't terrible like I was expecting, but I certainly won't be eating them again. After that we spoke with them about the simple doctrine that we believe in for the space of 2 hours. Nothing was really decisive and really didn't get us anything more than a box full of books and papers on why people think that the church isn't true. The funny thing is that they told us to give it back when we were Seventh-day Adventist, little does he know, he won't be getting it back.

Full day exchange with our zone. Spent the day in Lewiston - one of the hottest days - 110 degrees

That was the most action we had this week, not much else to mention for the time being, so I'm just going to end it here. 

A sweet ride in the mountains, a Hudson Wasp

Thank you all for the love and support you give me! It's a real blessing to have so many people rooting for me here on my mission. 

Nice Views

Also just so you all know, starting August 12th, I will have 4 months left.  
See y'all next week. 

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