Friday, January 17, 2020

It's Raw Meat Again...

It's Snowing Sideways
I don't know why this keeps ending up to be the theme of this transfer but... I ATE MORE RAW MEAT.

Last P-day we had sushi (raw fish), literally the next day, when we were tracting, we found an Ethiopian family about to eat dinner, and they invited us in to dine with them.

They called it Ingera, it is basically African Crepes that you use as a glove by grabbing the other food you are going to eat, then you eat it all in one bite like a badly made burrito. It was delicious! They had a big assortment different things you could choose from, two of which were like ground beef, one being cooked the other being raw. I had told them I have never eaten raw meat like this before, and I asked them if it was safe to eat. They told me that it was tasty and fine to eat. Being honest about what It tasted like, I can't really define it, almost like it had been already Chewed or like some type of chip dip. The cooked meat was much more tasty.

Me - Looking Dapper in My Dad's Trench Coat

We knocked on some college doors. Mostly because all the kids that have family's leave for this time of the year, meaning the majority of those who would be left might be married couples or people who don't have anything to go home to and could use the Gospel in their lives. 

The first person we found was Julian.
He was a strange guy, when he first opened his door, he gestured for us to come in. Then walked away. Confused my companion and I hesitated for a couple seconds, then we walked in and closed the door. He was hunched down in a desk chair in his kitchen, he was at the counter (because an outlet was close enough to charge his phone I guess) and his fingers were flying all over his phone. He didn't talk much, even when we asked him questions. We found what was occupying all of his attention, it was a an online role role play I guess. He then got a call from one of the people in the game then proceeded to "Role play" with him, and I must say it was the strangest thing I have ever seen in my life.

Service in the Food Bank

I have not done a good scripture thought in a while, so here is somtehing I found recently. 
In 1 Nephi 7-8.

They were returning home, and Nephi's brothers were furious with him, so they bound him with a rope and left him to die in the wilderness.

Nephi responds by first praying. 

17 But it came to pass that I prayed unto the Lord, saying: O Lord, according to my faith which is in thee, wilt thou deliver me from the hands of my brethren; yea, even give me strength that I may burst these bands with which I am bound.

18 And it came to pass that when I had said these words, behold, the bands were loosed from off my hands and feet, and I stood before my brethren, and I spake unto them again.
Snow Angel

Notice his prayer was not answered in the way he
 wanted, but what I want you to focus on is Nephi.
 He prayed with faith and his cords were loosed, they did not break like he wanted, God did not pick him up dust off his shoulders and push him towards his brothers. The fact is the cords were loosed and it was his choice whether or not he wanted to stay tangled up in them.
Raw Food Meal

God may loosen our cords on life, and sometimes we don't even realize because we may have already given up, but that is a lie from the adversary, he wants you to give up. The Lord will never allow you to suffer a trial without giving you a way out of trouble you may have found yourself in. 
Biggest Bible I Have Ever Seen -
with 4 Different Translations

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