Monday, May 18, 2020

Phases - Both In and Out

We as a mission have been going through a degree of phases. 

(Sorry, there are no captions for the pictures this week - you'll have to imagine your own.)

For instance, us missionaries in Idaho have just hit phase 2 of the Quarantine and can now be in groups of 10 or less. However this does not stop anyone we have been seeing out in the streets lately. For instance, the other day we were driving to a service opportunity and we saw about 30 older ladies doing little workout session in a closed high school parking lot. (It was a strange sight to behold).

Another phase we are going through right now would be our Facebook pages.

Phase one. We establish our Facebook pages.
We try and do all we can to build up our following and a group of people to see our posts. 

Phase 2. We start using advertising! We haven't gotten the chance to use any yet because our page following is not great enough.

But soon we will be there. 

Transfers this week.  Elder Robar is transferring out to Washington. and I am getting a new companion.  Not sure what is going to happen to our "Moments with Missionaries" page.

Sorry I don't have much time at this point. 

We have lots to get to.

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