Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Where are Thou Inspiration

Some Fun in Spokane

I have been trying to think of something clever to write about for the past 4 hours, but nothing is coming to me.

Transfers are the topic of the week: 
My companion is leaving and I am staying. My new companion will be Elder Shepherd.
This has been the strangest transfers I have ever seen. Nothing is happening besides a sister going home because she completed her mission, and my companion leaving. Nobody else is leaving, so that's nice.

More Fun

BYU came up to Spokane the other day. 
They challenged Gonzaga at basketball and it was a slaughter. We couldn't watch of course, but we heard that BYU won, not just by some small margin either, they killed it. I don't think many of the locals around here like missionaries right now. We knock on a door, they open up and say, "You're from the same church as that BYU aren't ya?" and it just goes down from there.

We have finally made a plan with out pal Moses. In 4 weeks he will be ready to be baptized he just has to choose the day and time after March 21st. It could be the next day or the next week, but it is finally going to happen. 

So with my Swahili companion going, I will no longer be apart of the Swahili work in this area. Elder Cohen will still be going over to our ward to teach the Swahili class, but that is the only time we will see him. I will now just be focusing on the English work in this area. It will be refreshing to teach lessons in English primarily for a change. I also hear that Elder Shepherd is a really great missionary, so I'm excited.

More Fun

So the kung-flu is in Spokane now. 
The hospital we go to to give people blessings has some guests who get special treatment. Upon their arrival, all roads leading to the hospital were blocked off by the police. We are told that the patients are in a special room that is air sealed and all secure, so we should not have to worry about any chance of disease anytime soon.

.My First Chicken Hearts - They were good

Last story. 
A lady came into the family history center and told us that she wanted to be a member.
She is awesome. We had asked her why she had this interest in the church and she told us that it started when she was 12. She said she had been really close to the Holy Ghost her whole life, that she had been lead all her life to do big things to prepare to serve the Lord. She was a doctor among a few other things, but we were awestruck in her desire to meet with us. 

She will be baptized, but not in Washington...
Join us next week for more

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