Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Baptism! Be it by Fire and Water or Virus

My next FB pict -
My companion is obsessed with taking good picts to post

We are going to have a baptism!

A pair of kids we have been working with, from the space of time I've been here to now (about 3 1/2 months). 

We had to delay it a bit, it was supposed to be on Tuesday, but because we needed written consent from the father it had to be postponed. 

I will have pictures when the time comes. 

Grocies x2

 Groceries x2

I know there has been a lot of scares about Covid-19 (Corona) but I was told to inform you all that we are okay. If we ever have any problems of the sort we will be in quarantine. We have already bought more than two weeks worth of food and are prepared for all other issues we may encounter (water and toilet paper included).

Hiking. It was not a good as we thought it would be

No toilet paper to be seen here as well

We are super smart. 
So we took a fire cracker we found, 
put it in a nerf dart and shot it at each other (1)

We ate really good the other day. That was the first steak I cooked.

We found Corona while tracting

Not too much has been happening lately. Most of the people we taught were Swahili, so we have been doing a lot of tracting and contacting, not much promise yet though.

Because I don't have too much time or much to talk about. 

We are doing good. 

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