Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wow, Things Are Getting Out of Hand 🧻

The Last Monopoly Game
Once again, we have lived through another week of what everyone keeps saying is the apocalypse.

Already people are using hand sanitizer, water, and toilet paper as currency. For those we teach who don't have toilet paper have told us that they at least have lots of old clothes. Gross!

So the way we work has completely changed. Because everything is canceling, we thought we would be able to actually contact some of the people who are never available. But our mission president just told us that we can't knock on doors anymore. 

So our thoughts on the whole "everything is canceled" bit, was that everyone would now have nothing to do, and would be available to respond to our texts or even be open to video call lessons. We were wrong.

We Made Orange Rolls

It appears that people are even more busy than before. Apparently Netflix is more important than Exaltation. 

We just got another update: starting tonight at 6:00 we will be doing all work inside of our apartment, no going out, no home visits. QUARANTINED!  

So we had a baptism lined up for last week, but the mother of both kids we were teaching got herself tested for Corona. We won't know results until tomorrow, but all we know for now is that she tested negative for Influenza, bur she has flu symptoms. Her doctor said that she may want to quarantine herself. 

We have been in frequent contact with this lady for the past few days. (before she got quarantined). We did service for her, we taught her and her kids, and we even interviewed them for baptism, so if she tests positive for Covid-19, we probably will be showing symptoms pretty soon. 

Baptism has been moved to April 3rd though. 

My companion does not stay clean during service.
He forgot about the paint later and it all dried up

Our week has been pretty slow. We spent the last few days getting all the Facebook names and numbers that we can so we can keep in contact with all of the people. Hopefully we can stay busy for the foreseeable future, because if they ask us to keep finding and teaching, we may grow limited in our options. 

We took off the frame, instead of the trim, oops

Well, there isn't much else going on that you probably don't know about already. 

I hope you all stay safe and Corona free.

Cough medicine is gone

Stores are looking pretty bare.

Stores are looking pretty bare.

Get Spammed!

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