Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Back to Good ol' Idaho

I took some nice clothes up for good pictures.

Man I love Idaho.

Everything is nicer, everything is cheaper😒and we have an amazing area.

Everything is beautiful here in Hayden Lake. We are surrounded by small hills (by Utah standards), a nice lake, and lots of people. 

We don't have as much to do here during the week though. But when it's P-day... WE GO HIKING!!! 

More nice pictures with me (for mom)

My companion loves hiking, he is showing me all the cool sights and places to go for P-day and WOW! This place has a lot of money-
5 story lake houses, homes that have a mile long drive way because they are in a remote part of the mountains and the world's smallest beach (for the lake). 

I'm sorry that this is a small email. We just finished hiking Camfield Hill. It took us about 1 1/2 hours to go up then 25 minutes down (we ran). 

I will show you a few of the cool pictures we took, but before that I must tell you. Our area has a Facebook page. We use this page to post uplifting messages, scriptures and videos. 

A surprise meal at service

The name of it is: Disciples of Jesus Christ in Hayden Idaho (I think).

If anyone who actually reads this far has a Facebook, like our page and share any posts you like. We are using this as our main source of finding, besides the members. If someone likes or shares any of our posts we will message them and ask if they would to talk with us and discuss what they can do to come closer to Christ. 
Nice view ain't it. 
It's Hayden and Coeur d'Alene Lake

We took all the steep roads. Wasn't easy.

Some incredible pictures  of the area:

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