Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Things are Starting to Look Up

For service, we clean the church. 
I got to wash windows again
Not much has happened. We haven't been able to do much except have lessons with members.

One of the guys we teach has a complex schedule. 

His sleep schedule is what messes it up the most. He can only sleep for 2 hours at a time. To add to the madness his mother is in the hospital. So he does not want to turn off his phone at any time. So when we call him and interrupt his sleep he is not happy. This went on for a while until he called us and said that we should just contact him when we see him outside of his garage when it's sunny outside.
But we can't really go and visit him because of the Quarantine 😔.
What quarantine will do to you

We can't really do much in this environment, and the fact that this happened really grinds my gears. We are going to have to put him off for the time being, at least until this quarantine lifts. 

Other than that, not much to report on for this week. Sorry.

Nice Sunset

Good food prepared

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