Monday, June 22, 2020

Seen but not found

A Nice Waterfall

Hello everyone, I hope you have all been able to enjoy the sunshine and rain as we have. 

Since the Quarantine has been lifted for us missionaries we have visited many of our friends and have gone on many "purposeful walks". 

We have a well-traveled path right next to were we live, as well as a nice park. Many of what we call "purposeful walks" are spent just walking up and down this path and going around talking to anyone we can. Sometimes they are nervous and don't want to talk to us for fear of the virus. There are some who just ignore us and some who we actually get to talk with and share a thing or two with. 

My Comp with a Nice Waterfall

On one such occasion we had a good chat with a man playing disk golf and his father sitting and watching as his son played. They were a little on the older side, for instance the son had kids and a family of his own and his father had spent 40 years as a preacher in Colorado. 

My companion went to go play disk golf with the son, leaving me to try and strike up a conversation with the old preacher. Turns out he wasn't very interested. I ended up having to dodge the subjects he was talking about, because he was definitely trying to Anti me. Unfortunately nothing came of it, maybe some day. 

My District with a Nice Waterfall

Next week is transfers, and If things keep trending the way they have been I should be staying here. I just hope that I stops raining when we bike.

The one thing I dislike the most is biking in the rain. The only rain proof coat I have is like a sauna suit. So biking in the rain in a sauna suit or just biking in the rain, either way I get soaked. I just get to choose what I stink of, rain or sweat.

Not much else for us to talk about for today, just a cool hike and water balloon fights. 
I hope you like the pictures

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