Monday, May 20, 2019

Sick Days

As you may have gathered, I was sick last week.  I still have a little cold right now, but Im just going to let you know now that this might be a little shorter.

Elder Webb's Birthday Celebration
 One of the ways to our church has been blocked by construction, and every other way is more than double the trip because of the air port and air base in our area. (I don't know if you know, but we only have a certain amount of miles a month, and we are running out). Our area is huge and we don't have enough miles for the whole of it. So everything within a 5 mile radius is an absolute biking trip, and every once in a while we just choose to go way out into the edge of our area with our bikes. Don't get me wrong I enjoy biking but this is little old.

We have been finding tons of less actives in this area. Just the other day we met Douglas, a man who went to China to tech English for 12, and out there aren't any churches or members in the area. We then bumped into a superintendent of a small trailer park (usually they give us trouble because they think we solicit but we proselyte, totally legal) but this guy was a less active for 20 years and he said we could totally go around the trailer park looking for people to teach. 

Monopoly with My Old MTC Roommate

Time for a small lesson having the faith. 

Ether 12:6
6 And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.

You won't see the blessings from reading your scriptures until after you read your scriptures, you won't see an answer to a prayer until you ask Heavenly Father for help, Have the faith to believe that you will get results from doing what the Lord has taught us to do. 

Not too much else has happened and not many pictures happened, not just because I got sick but also because I got a new phone that can take good pictures, and I had to set it up.

We Have Wind Storms Here
Thanks for the support,
Elder Willis

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